February 11, 2022

4 Ways to Digitally Transform Your Moving Company

Whether you’re interested in running your business remotely, or simply want to streamline operations, making your moving company digital is the first step. With the ongoing pandemic, it may not be possible, or safe, to do everything in-person. Plus, customers have come to expect many aspects of their move to be contactless (ex: virtual on-sites). 

Luckily, there are tools to make your digital transformation simple. 

1. Use Video Conferencing

Video conferencing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Tools like Zoom have taken off as companies and schools participate in remote meetings rather than gathering in-person.

Video conferencing can be a great option for meeting with employees, business partners, and customers. Not only does it keep interactions safe and socially distant, you can also speak with people who don’t live nearby. 

Meeting with employees online means you may not even need to rent a physical office space – that’s a lot of money you can now put towards other parts of your business. 

While Zoom has become a popular option, platforms such as Skype, Google Hangouts, and Microsoft Teams provide similar features.. 

2. Go Paperless

Even with an extremely organized paper or offline filing system, backing up your files to a shared drive has a lot of benefits. Technologies like Google Drive make it possible for you and your team to collaborate on schedules, share notes, and make business changes in real time. It’s a lot more productive than handing out printouts and constantly having to make changes manually. 

3. Build Your Online Presence

Did you know the average internet user spends 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day? People now use the internet for almost everything, from online shopping to picking a restaurant. Social media use has also increased greatly in recent years, with the average internet user spending almost 2.5 hours each day on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

To capitalize on this, your moving company should have a dedicated website, join a review site, and create social media profiles (check out our blog post on social media for moving companies for more information). 

Review sites are especially important for moving companies. 88% of consumers read online reviews to determine the quality of a local business. With numbers like that, it’s impossible to ignore the impact of platforms like Yelp and HomeAdvisor on small businesses. For ways to boost reviews on those sites, check out our blog post 7 Reasons Why Customer Reviews are Crucial for your Moving Company

4. Invest in Software

Last but not least, take your moving company to the next level by investing in dedicated moving software. 

Oncue’s moving software and booking service can help you save time, delight customers and book more jobs. Our industry-trained sales team works around the clock to answer enquiries and communicate with potential customers so you never miss out on a move. Plus, Oncue stores all your moves, paperwork, and quotes in one place. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you boost profits and transform your business.

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